Preserving the Precious Umbilical Cord: Methods and Recommendations


The umbilical cord, which connected the baby and the mother for nearly 10 months, holds a special place in many hearts. Preserving it can be a beautiful way to cherish the bond between mother and child. In this article, we will discuss methods for preserving the umbilical cord, ensuring it remains safe and intact.

  1. Proper Drying

The key to preserving the umbilical cord is ensuring it is thoroughly dry. Freshly detached cords contain moisture, and storing them while still moist can lead to mold growth. To avoid this, follow these steps for proper drying:

Drying Method:

  • Place the umbilical cord on gauze or a similar material.
  • Store it in a location with low humidity until it completely dries out.
  1. Recommended Storage Method

To keep the dried umbilical cord safe and well-preserved, consider the following recommended storage method:

Use a Moisture-Resistant Paulownia Box:

  • Storing the dried umbilical cord in a moisture-resistant container, such as a paulownia box, is highly recommended.
  • Paulownia wood naturally maintains stable humidity levels, reducing the risk of warping, twisting, and mold growth.
  • This tradition of using paulownia boxes for valuable and cherished items has persisted for generations due to their durability and resistance to insects.
  1. Transforming It into Jewelry 

Did you know that your umbilical cord can be more than just a keepsake? It can be transformed into a unique and meaningful piece of jewelry, serving as a protective charm for special occasions. Here's why you might consider this option:

  • Personalized Accessory: Turning the umbilical cord into jewelry creates a personalized and sentimental accessory that captures the essence of your connection with your child.
  • Cute and Unique: These accessories can be both adorable and one-of-a-kind, making them a wonderful choice for mothers who want to celebrate the bond with their child in a special way.

At Solid Love, we offer a wide range of accessories made from umbilical cords, including necklaces, beads, and earrings. This allows you to choose the perfect piece to commemorate the precious connection between mother and child.


Preserving the umbilical cord is a beautiful way to honor the special bond between mother and child. By following proper drying techniques and utilizing recommended storage methods, you can ensure it remains safe and well-preserved. Additionally, transforming it into jewelry offers a unique and meaningful way to carry the connection with you, celebrating the love and bond you share with your child. Explore the options available to create a personalized and cherished keepsake that will hold a special place in your heart.