Breastmilk Jewelry -The Thoughts of Solid Love

What does breastmilk mean to you?

Happy times, joyful times, and difficult times.

I believe each person has their own unique thoughts and feelings.

Breast milk is produced for a very limited time

Before having kids, I didn't understand.
I just thought it was something to give to the baby to drink.
I never imagined it could be so painful, so joyful, and full of so many emotions. And I never thought that when my baby stopped breastfeeding, it would feel so lonely. 

Breastfeeding isn't always easy from the start.

From pregnancy, mothers protect their babies in the womb, and once they are born, mothers do their best to protect them in the outside world.

A newborn’s meals are just breast milk and formula.
If breast milk is available, I want to give it, but it doesn’t always go well. I’d struggle every day, trying to feed my baby, while feeling like I'm about to cry

Just when I thought it was going well, I faced breastfeeding troubles.
I worked so hard during pregnancy, but now I have to keep pushing even after the baby is born.
Still, I keep going because the baby is so precious, and I’m the only one who can protect them.

After overcoming various challenges, my baby, who loved breastfeeding, started eating solid food, and before I knew it, it was time for weaning.

What? Already? Isn’t it too soon? Is it already time to wean?

I have to wean because the baby’s going to daycare.
He is already two, so it must be time.
My breasts hurt so much now; I can't take it anymore.
Does the baby prefer food over milk?

Weaning is different for everyone.
But eventually, it comes.
Sometimes without warning.

When my baby stops breastfeeding, strangely, my milk stops coming too.
My body tells me it’s no longer needed, that it won’t produce anymore.
And then, it’s gone.

 It's a sign of growth, but somehow it feels lonely. I miss t those days when I worked so hard to breastfeed. I wish I could breastfeed again. I wish I had given more.

 If I had something to remember it by, I think I could proudly embrace weaning.

 Solid Love is here to support you during weaning, to be a source of strength when you face this emotional transition.

the milk that helped raise your child to grow big,
the milk that turned a crying child into a smiling one,
the milk that gave you confidence and happiness as a mother

We turn that breast milk into tangible keepsake.

Breastfeeding, which was difficult at the beginning and even depressed, but by the time it ends, became a warm and happy memory.
We turn that breastfeeding into something you can keep forever.

 Solid Love makes each piece with care, wishing for the happiness and healthy growth of your child.

Breast milk jewelry artist
Yuki Tochihara