The Importance of Avoiding Raw Food During Pregnancy

Title: The Importance of Avoiding Raw Food During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time when some of our favorite foods become off-limits. But why is raw food prohibited during pregnancy, and is it an absolute ban? In this article, we'll delve into the reasons behind avoiding raw food and whether there are exceptions.

Reasons to Avoid Raw Food During Pregnancy:

  1. Risk of Food Poisoning: Raw or undercooked fish and meat carry a heightened risk of food poisoning. This can lead to severe consequences during pregnancy, including uterine contractions that might result in preterm birth or miscarriage, posing dangers to both the mother and the baby.
  2. Anisakis Parasite: Certain fish species like squid and mackerel contain the Anisakis parasite. Consuming these fish can lead to abdominal pain and vomiting in the mother. Although it doesn't directly affect the fetus, the mother's diarrhea and dehydration can have negative implications for the baby.
  3. Mercury Exposure: Fish like tuna, king mackerel, swordfish, and whale can have high mercury levels. Mercury exposure during pregnancy is associated with adverse effects on neural development. Even though not all raw fish is high in mercury, cooking doesn't reduce mercury levels, necessitating caution.

Is It Absolutely Forbidden? 

While the primary concern with raw food is food poisoning, it's worth noting that pregnancy can reduce the digestive system's efficiency, making it harder to digest proteins found in meat and fish. This might lead to indigestion, even with typically safe raw fish like sushi. While raw food itself doesn't directly harm the fetus, the potential for unpredictable diarrhea or food poisoning is a significant concern, warranting avoidance.

Alternatives such as "imitation sashimi" or "mock sushi" made from ingredients like konjac offer a way to enjoy the flavors of raw fish without the associated risks.

Raw Food During Breastfeeding

Consuming raw food during breastfeeding is generally considered safe. Raw fish, with its high protein and iron content, is even recommended for breastfeeding mothers. However, it's essential to remember that maintaining good health is crucial for both the mother and the child. Falling ill due to food poisoning can hinder breastfeeding, so it's wise for nursing mothers to exercise caution and prioritize their well-being.


During pregnancy, it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid raw food due to the risks associated with food poisoning, parasites, and mercury exposure. While exceptions exist, it's essential for expectant mothers to prioritize their health and the health of their baby. Raw food can be enjoyed safely during breastfeeding, but mothers should still exercise vigilance to ensure they remain in good health for their child's benefit.