Caffeine and Coffee During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: How Many Cups a Day?

Recommended Caffeine Intake

For moms who are used to drinking coffee every morning, coffee is likely one of the top things they struggle to give up during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

According to the WHO, the daily recommended caffeine intake for pregnant women is 300mg, which is equivalent to 2-3 cups of coffee (the UK Food Standards Agency recommends 200mg). For example, if you're drinking a 500ml bottle of a caffeinated beverage while working, you could quickly exceed the recommended limit.

As you may know, the caffeine in coffee can have negative effects on the fetus and infant. Once caffeine enters the bloodstream, it reaches the fetus through the umbilical cord, which can increase the risk of fetal growth restriction. During breastfeeding, caffeine passes into the breast milk and can negatively affect the infant's prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for reasoning and intelligence. This could lead to both immediate effects like insomnia and potentially long-term negative impacts.

Beverages Containing Caffeine

Caffeine is not only found in coffee but in various other foods, so even if you're being careful, you may end up consuming more than expected.

Examples of Beverages Containing Caffeine:

  • Green tea
  • Black tea
  • Brown rice tea
  • Oolong tea
  • Cocoa
  • Cola
  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks

If you drink instant coffee regularly, be aware that it generally contains more caffeine than drip coffee.

Caffeine-Free Beverages

Common Caffeine-Free Drinks:

  • Barley tea
  • Rooibos tea
  • Job's tears tea
  • Herbal tea (note: some herbal teas are not recommended during pregnancy)
  • Corn tea
  • Dandelion coffee

In recent years, many supermarkets have started offering affordable and delicious caffeine-free coffee. However, be aware that "decaffeinated" means the drink has reduced caffeine content, while "caffeine-free" means the drink has had all caffeine removed. The former still contains some caffeine.

It’s important to maintain a balanced diet and avoid consuming large amounts of any one item. Aim for a varied and healthy diet!

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